Saturday, April 22, 2023

What is gematria?

Gematria is an ancient system of assigning numerical values to words or phrases in order to reveal hidden meanings or draw connections between them. The word comes from the Greek term "geometry," meaning measure. Gematria is a tool of numerology and gematric correspondences are found in many cultures all over the world, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and even some Eastern traditions.

Gematria arose out of two primary avenues: firstly it was used as a way to practice mathematics, with early people incorporating gematria into their reckoning and counting systems. This eventually led to the more esoteric and mystical aspects that it holds today. Secondly it was used by ancient mystics to count and compare the numerical values of words, letters and concepts in order to uncover hidden symbolic meanings or connections across different languages. For example, in some Kabbalistic systems of Gematria each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a numerical value imbued with philosophical meaning that can be used as an aid for meditation or contemplation on the Divine mysteries.

The Gematriac method works by assigning numbers (usually 1-10) to each letter depending on their ordinal position within their respective alphabetical system e.g., A=1, B=2; C=3). These numbers are then totaled up to form a sum which reveal the underlying symbolism associated with either single words or longer passages of text depending on what type of Gematriac calculation is being performed. For example a gematriac term for 'peace' might total up as seven whilst another for 'love' might amount to five.

See more about gematria numbers

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